Friday, June 8, 2012


This Bert from North Carolina. Ready or not, here it comes. In the next 20 years, nanotechnology will touch the life of nearly every person on the planet. The potential benefits are mind boggling and brain enhancing. But like many of the great advancements in earth's history, it is not without risk

Real Risk: Nanopollutants
When: Now

Potential Risk: Privacy Invasion
When: 5 to 15 years

Potential Risk: Economic Upheaval
When: 10 to 20 years

Potential Risk: Nanotech weapons
When: 10 to 20 years

Far-Fetched Risk: Gray Goo
When: 30+ years

Free range, self-replicating robots that consume all living matter. However unlikely, experts say this scenario is theoretically possible, but not for some time.
We have just scratched the surface.

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