Sunday, June 17, 2012


Cyberbullying has become a widespread problem for our youth. I do not believe that banning anonymous comments on the Internet will reduce cyberbullying. If a child or teen wants to say something hurtful or bully someone I do not believe that remaining anonymous will change their mind. There are both positive and negative aspects of remaining anonymous on the Internet.  A positive aspect would be that you are able to be completely honest about your feelings in any situation. Negative aspects of remaining anonymous are that there are no repercussions to the comments that you post.
Your privacy is very important but there are times that it is not best for the well-being of others. If there are stricter guidelines and stronger punishments, then the public may think twice before bullying on the Internet. Parents can help with cyberbullying by monitoring their children’s Internet activity.  It should not be considered normal for anyone to cause harm to another person whether it is physical or emotional.

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