Friday, June 29, 2012

Critical Thinking


      Critical thinking situation I have been in at work. I use to do pipe line work and the give you a specified drawling on where your right of ways are and where to place your utility. Once you call in for a locate ticket on where the works to be done the come out and mark all other utilities in the area. So ninety percent of the time you have to restructure the drawings and get them approved to move the utility outside your window specified.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Online Mapping

 Online mapping makes me feel more vulnerable because it pinpoints locations of weakness to predators. People should have the right to have photos removed it invades our privacy. No it shouldn’t give are routes to the public that’s for peoples security. The rate of sexual perps are out the roof why give them a target.

my favorite classes

     All the classes I’m taking are worthwhile so one day I will achieve my associate degree. But hardly have they been enjoyable. I’m in the process of taking five online courses in eight weeks it has me spread a little thin. My industrial safety class is probably my favorite because it pertains to the career field I’m trying to get into. Math would be my second choice it’s always intrigued me to work numbers. I really don’t have any judgment on my teachers being in online classes, we are not on a personal level. For that matter I don’t know any of them to judge.

Sunday, June 17, 2012


Cyberbullying has become a widespread problem for our youth. I do not believe that banning anonymous comments on the Internet will reduce cyberbullying. If a child or teen wants to say something hurtful or bully someone I do not believe that remaining anonymous will change their mind. There are both positive and negative aspects of remaining anonymous on the Internet.  A positive aspect would be that you are able to be completely honest about your feelings in any situation. Negative aspects of remaining anonymous are that there are no repercussions to the comments that you post.
Your privacy is very important but there are times that it is not best for the well-being of others. If there are stricter guidelines and stronger punishments, then the public may think twice before bullying on the Internet. Parents can help with cyberbullying by monitoring their children’s Internet activity.  It should not be considered normal for anyone to cause harm to another person whether it is physical or emotional.


 Wikipedia is a good START, but no I would not only use them to site academic research. To get more in depth, we should use more subject specific sites to get deeper into research. I may use Wiki to get an overall view only on topics I research, but again I would not use just them for a research paper. I wouldn't call it an actual source although it is an encyclopedia because all the various information it possesses.
I believe if wiki made the authors cite verification of their credentials instead of average day Joes. We as the public could use and trust in the site and it would be credited for a reliable source.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Me in five years

This is Sean from N.C.  I am currently studying Industrial Technology at BCC. In five years I hope to establish a great career and succeed in running a maintenance program for a fortune 500 company.

Friday, June 8, 2012


This Bert from North Carolina. Ready or not, here it comes. In the next 20 years, nanotechnology will touch the life of nearly every person on the planet. The potential benefits are mind boggling and brain enhancing. But like many of the great advancements in earth's history, it is not without risk

Real Risk: Nanopollutants
When: Now

Potential Risk: Privacy Invasion
When: 5 to 15 years

Potential Risk: Economic Upheaval
When: 10 to 20 years

Potential Risk: Nanotech weapons
When: 10 to 20 years

Far-Fetched Risk: Gray Goo
When: 30+ years

Free range, self-replicating robots that consume all living matter. However unlikely, experts say this scenario is theoretically possible, but not for some time.
We have just scratched the surface.